Natural Sciences Natural Sciences


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n area  in which she excelled.

Calliope, philosophy, epic poetry,  and rhetoric
Clio, history and introduction of the alphabet into Greece
Euterpe, lyric poetry and music, especially the flute
Thalia, comedy and pastoral poetry
Melpomene, tragedy (theater) and chanting
Terpsichore, dance and choral song
Erato, love poems and mimicry
Polyhymnia, sacred music and eloquence in verse
Ourania, astronomy, astrology, and prophecy

goddess Bast

Although none of the Muses has an extensive mythology of her own, many of them featured in the stories of the major deities. Calliope, for example, was called on by Zeus to arbitrate the dispute between Aphrodite, the goddess of romance and beauty, and Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, when both fell in love with the handsome Adonis. Her wise decision, to allow him to spend part of the year with each of them, seemed to satisfy all of them.

When Athena rescued Pegasus, the flying horse, shortly after his birth, the goddess entrusted the Muses with his care. The young colt, excited to meet the lovely Muses, kicked the side of the Mountain, causing springs to gush out of the side of the mountain.  Springs and wells both became sacred symbols of the Muses, representing the fountains of inspiration that they provided.

 Urania took the major responsibility for caring for Pegasus, and prophesied his future heroism as well as his eventual place amongst the stars in the heavens.

goddess Bast

The Muses remain among us today as the patrons of the fine arts and the inspiration for creative thought, Mnemosyne's daughters of wit and charm.

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Natural Sciences