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feed the world


After 6 years of making a difference in the lives of people living in extreme poverty in Kenya, Ecuador and Peru, Feed The World SRA is officially joining forces with CHOICE Humanitarian.
“Both organizations understand that their participants must do all they can to help themselves. Handouts do not work, but mentoring … with proper tools does work. By experience, both organizations have learned to work first with individual leaders of a community to consequently lift all.”
– Mike Bumstead, Founder and President
CHOICE Humanitarian has been helping end extreme poverty for over 30 years using a community based leadership model. Our goal in uniting efforts is that we will be stronger as a result of our combined effort. As a result of this partnership, our program will now be launched in Nepal, Bolivia, Mexico, and Guatemala, as well as continuing in Kenya, Peru, and Ecuador. We will combine elements of our family agriculture model with CHOICE Humanitarian’s community building model, using the best of each organization.
This website will be officially redirected on October 12. Please visitwww.choicehumanitarian.org for continued information on our work to end extreme poverty.


At Feed The World our mission is to create self reliance in all facets of life. We work hands-on with every person we teach. We start with our unique, small-scale agriculture model. This will provide a means of full nutrition, which supports and sustains healthy life. Feed The Worldhas a simple goal – to teach families, communities, and villages how to thrive on their own. After they have been taught the skills necessary, they can duplicate those skills and pay forward the method. Our model eliminates dependence by helping families reach the goal of true self reliance that is sustainable.
Our program is internationally successful using the following principles:
  • Vegetable Gardens – Families are taught how to grow food in a small garden. This garden will provide the daily sustenance, vitamins, and minerals for each family member. Strong bodies have healthy immune systems. Our gardening method uses less water, which is critical, as many places do not have the water needed for the normal plot. These gardens take less space, yet will provide year-round abundance for the table. Self reliance comes first when you have the ability to feed yourself.
  • Small Livestock – We teach families how to raise small animals common to their culture, such as chickens, goats, rabbits, and guinea pigs, to provide cheese, meat, eggs, and milk for their families.
  • Field Crops – Families learn and implement sustainable farming techniques to provide income and fodder for small livestock. With seed loans, they move from planting mono-crops to planting multiple crops that are rotated to enhance production and soil quality.
  • Income From Surplus – Once families have met their own nutritional needs, harvested seeds for future use, learned to successfully raise animals, and paid forward their loans of seeds and livestock, they are encouraged to sell their surplus products in the local market for additional income. By the time families finish our program, they are healthier and wealthier than they ever dreamed possible. A crucial part of self reliance is the ability to support yourself. This generates that income.
  • Nutrition and Hygiene – We make a huge impact on each family by teaching the reason behind eating well and taking care of their bodies. Simple acts like teaching children to brush their teeth, or helping parents understand the importance of washing their hands provide a sustainable impact on families and communities, because the participants understand the why behind what they are taught to do.
Established in 2009, Feed The World is a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organization based in Seattle, Washington. We work strategically alongside Governments, Universities, and other International nonprofit organizations. We provide hands-on mentoring with agricultural education. Currently, Feed The World is implementing its small scale agriculture model with our partners in Ecuador, Peru, Malawi and Kenya. Everyday more families achieve the dream of self reliance. Join us, be the change our world is desperately in need of. Join Feed The World. Create a world you want to live in, where self reliance is how we all thrive.

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